As the areas of Central are continuing to grow into urban and suburban centers, the rural areas are all but gone. Franklin County, the home of Columbus, has become one major city, with the surrounding counties of Delaware, Licking, Pickaway and others becoming suburbs. As the population grows, so does the infestations of wildlife. We tend not to take these problems too seriously until we realize that those cute little squirrels playing in our yard have moved into our attic and are eating the foundation of our home as they make the nest for their own home. No one wants to have a bat or bats flying in or near our home, so we are more easily convinced to call a pest control service to get rid of them.

Bats are very small animals, and but for their wide wing span which can be 8 to 10 inches wide, they might be hidden somewhere in a corner of your home and you wouldn’t notice them. They do sound off with a cry caused by sudden movements that we can hear, but some of their sounds are ultrasonic which humans cannot hear. It is essential to contact someone for Bat removal as soon as possible, as bats do carry disease, including rabies. This is just as important as Skunk removal in Dublin, OH.

Just mentioning the name skunk causes a person to shrivel up his/her nose. It is one of the most intolerable odor known to humanity. Just let your dog come in from a walk having been skunked, and it is certain you will be on the phone to call Skunk removal in Dublin, OH. In suburban and urban communities, there are larger skunk populations because it is easier to find places for them to find lodging and food. Garbage cans, gardens, flowers, etc. all provide a nutritional repast for the skunk. They can feel quite at home in compost piles, underneath porches, etc. if they can fit through an opening, an outdoor storage bin with a door left ajar, etc. is like hanging a welcome sign for the skunk.

The door of a skunk is not the real problem according to the experts at Wildlife Control Company in Dublin, OH. Reportedly, they also carry fleas, ticks, lice, rabies, distemper and scabies. These animals need to be removed immediately to protect your home and everyone in it.