In spite of the many outdoor activities that Americans enjoy every day we still spend an incredible amount of time indoors. With all the improvements in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) and the increases in insulating efficiency much of that time is spent breathing recirculated air that has been cycled through the air ducts many times. While cleaning the filter and having the A/C properly serviced will provide some improvement, the best option for most homeowners is Duct Cleaning in Stillwater. Simply speaking, duct cleaning will remove dust, pet dander and most of the tiny debris that can accumulate along the interior walls of your air ducts.

Although no leading authority such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency actively recommends Duct Cleaning in Stillwater, many allergy patients swear by the improvements in the air quality of their homes. However, the EPA has suggested that duct cleaning should be performed whenever you see instances of mold or mildew buildup or there are excessive amounts of dust or dirt inside the vents or ducts. They also suggest duct cleaning if the home has been infested by rats, mice or insects. At the present there is no standard time frame for cleaning the ducts in your home, although most companies suggest three to five years.

Usually Duct Cleaning in Stillwater is done with a large negative air (vacuum) system. The technician will begin by turning off the HVAC to ensure the air doesn’t get recirculated during the cleaning process. The best companies like Steamatic Twin Cities use a HEPA filtered vacuum process which they connect to your ducts. This device is designed to collect as much dust and dirt as possible while keeping it from circulating throughout the home and any already cleaned ducts. Once the negative pressure system is in place the vents will be covered. At this point the technicians will begin using a custom cleaning tool to agitate the dust and debris lodged on the duct walls. By knocking the dust loose the vacuum system has a better chance of removing it. Along with dislodging the dirt the cleaning tool uses compressed air to move the debris towards the vacuum system for easier pickup.
