It is an unfortunate fact that the majority of terrorist attacks will involve the use of explosives placed at or near a sensitive location. These can be planted in a static position, placed within a vehicle or attached to a person. Either way, the effects can be devastating and countless civilians and officials alike have lost their lives due to such incidents. So, what are the components of a typical blast and more importantly, why is a blast curtain system so effective in mitigating the effects of any type of attack?

The Hidden Danger

Most of use will witness the main effects of an explosion: light, heat and blast overpressures. Depending on the size of the detonation, these can be quite severe. However, it is not the visible effects that normally cause the most trauma. On the contrary, debris that may be travelling at hundreds of miles an hour is responsible for the greatest loss of life in the majority of instances. Although there is no way to eliminate the debris itself, it is extremely important to develop systems that can absorb a great amount of the blast wave and hence, are able to simultaneously capture a sizable portion of debris that may otherwise become deadly missiles. This is one of the primary roles of a blast curtain system. Let us take a closer look at what this system entails.

Curtains of Life

Such devices will be found protecting windows and other gaps that are particularly vulnerable to open-air explosions. Upon detonation and the arrival of the pressure wave (and the debris), the curtains will very much act like a “net”; capturing the bulk of the blast and the debris that it contains. This is just as important for devices that may have contained shrapnel and other objects intended to do bodily harm. As these curtains will freely hang from the top of the window or door, the will simply swing back into place once the wave has passed; thereafter depositing any material on the floor or window ledge below.

Obviously, installing an effective blast curtain system can save lives as well as property. Unlike more intrusive techniques, these systems can be put in place quickly while providing a cost-effective solution for the needs of a private organization. The dimensions can be specific by the purchaser and only the highest trained professionals will install these curtains. Such a security measure is considered to be one of the most valuable life saving devices currently on the security market in the 21st century.

The modern blast curtain system is both robust and effective.