While many people have external hemorrhoids, those painful, itchy, burning and irritated veins in and around the anus, there is also the possibility to have hemorrhoids that have almost no symptoms at all. These are called internal hemorrhoids and they can be problematic even if they are not initially painful.

The Early Symptoms

Perhaps one of the biggest problems with internal hemorrhoids is that the symptoms are often missed, at least in the early stages. These are collections of swollen veins in the lining of the rectum but up inside the anal canal far enough to not be evident. This is actually not that far inside, perhaps about an inch or just slightly further.

Since there are no pain receptors and nerves within that area of the body you cannot sense or feel that these internal hemorrhoids exist. The only signs that you may notice is an increase in mucous production during a bowel movement or blood on the stool, on the toilet paper, or in the toilet after a bowel movement.

The blood will be bright red and can be present sometimes but not always. There may be a significant amount or a faint trace. In some situations the mucous may also be pink or bloody, it will all depend on the number of blood vessels involved.

The Later Signs

If the internal hemorrhoids become significantly irritated and enlarged they may actually protrude out of the anus. This usually happens immediately after a bowel movement and they may initially retract or they can stay outside of the body, which is known as a prolapse. They often become painful once they protrude.

In most cases the swollen tissue, the internal hemorrhoids, can be pushed gently back into the rectum. This will limit the pain and discomfort but will not treat or stop the process from repeating.

If you notice signs of internal hemorrhoids it is important to see your doctor. The symptoms of this condition, including bleeding during bowel movements, is very similar to many other health issues. Verifying that the bleeding and mucous is a direct result of hemorrhoids and not another medical condition will allow you and your doctor to develop a treatment plan.

If you think you have the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids schedule a visit.