Low back is a very delicate structure made of small and complex joints, highly sensitive nerves and nerve roots, tendons and muscles and other soft tissues and spinal discs. A problem or an irritation to any of these structures can cause low back pain that radiates to other parts of the body. Experts divide low back pain into two categories: acute and chronic pain. The Low Back Pain Treatment to get depends on whether you are experiencing chronic or acute pain.

Acute low back pain

The low back pain is said to be acute if it has lasted less than 3 months. Patients suffering from acute pain get better with home treatment.

How acute low back pain is treated

When you get low back pain follow these first aid steps:

Keep moving: Try walking on level surfaces, not on stairs or hills. If you can, walk quickly swinging your arms as you walk. Keep doing this as frequent as 10 to 20 minutes at a time every 2 to 3 hours. Avoid lying down or sitting for long as the pain will get worse. And if it is a must to sit for long time, ensure that you are taking enough breaks. Make sure that you walk around. You can also lie flat to stretch you back without straining it.

Ice and heat: Try applying ice or heat on the area that is hurting and see which one works best for you
Medicine for pain: Pain medicine help you recover from low back pain by controlling the pain during activity and rest. There are over-the-counter medicines available on the market, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen. If you have been prescribed an opiate or muscle relaxant, follow your doctor’s advice carefully.

Movement tips

  • Walk gently if the movement hurts
  • Keep your back straight when moving into a lying position
  • Use your bed only for lying down
  • Use a chair with armrests to be able to lower and raise yourself

If the acute pain lasts longer than few days even after trying the above first aid steps, you might need to add another Low Back Pain Treatment, such as manual therapy or in some cases stronger pain medicine. Elswick Chiropractic & Associates PSC offers not only chiropractic care but also taking care of you body to improve your quality of life.