If you have a stone fireplace in your home, soot and smoke can get on the stone and cause your fireplace to look unsightly. Not only does the soot alter the appearance of your fireplace, but the residue will coat the inside of your chimney and decrease its efficiency. Below you’ll find helpful tips for cleaning the grime off your stone fireplace. If you don’t want to tackle the project yourself, contact a Stone Fireplace Cleaning Contractor in Stevensville MD to do the job for you.

  • Purchase a bottle of trisodium phosphate to clean your fireplace stones. Mix the cleaner with water and add a couple ounces of bleach to the mixture. If you don’t like using chemiclas, call a Stone Fireplace Cleaning Contractor in Stevensville MD to professionally clean your fireplace.
  • Put on protective eye wear and rubber gloves before cleaning your fireplace. Since you’ll be using a scrubbing brush to clean the stones, some of the cleaner may spray out and get on your hands and face.
  • When cleaning your fireplace, never use any type of flammable cleaner. The chemicals will leave a residue on the stone and you may not be able to remove it. It’s also a fire hazard to be using chemicals near your fireplace.
  • Never attempt to clean your fireplace when the stones are hot or when you have a fire burning. Your fireplace stones will be easier to clean and it will be safer too.
  • Before cleaning the outside of your fireplace, clean the ashes out of the firebox first. If water drips down into the fireplace while you’re cleaning the stones, you’ll have a big mess if you don’t remove the ashes first. When you hire a Stone Fireplace Cleaning Contractor in Stevensville MD, you won’t have to worry about cleaning up any messes. The professional will cover the furnishings in the room before starting. After the job is complete, the professional will clean up any mess that was made during the cleaning.

Complete Chimneys LLC Stevensville MD offers complete chimney services including installation, maintenance and repairs. This professional company also specializes in duct cleaning and the installation of wood stoves and solar attic fans. Visit website for more information.