Man or woman, old or young, divorced or never married, there are plenty of people in Boston looking to find singles like you. You could search online, you could participate in speed dating, you could hire a matchmaking service, or you could just go out and talk to people. Some people have to hunt high and low for love, and some just have it slap them in the face. But for those who have to search, here are some tips for meeting singles in Boston.


Online dating services are a quick and easy way to find people similar to you, and want what you want. Sure, you might find the occasional person that just wants a one night stand, but most often, the people on these sites are looking for the same thing you are. There are many sites that cater to a specific location and only offer services to people in that location. Boston, for example has plenty. After you sign up and answer a couple of compatibility questionnaires, the sites then set you up with a match in your area based on your compatibility. You communicate with said match online until you decide if you are ready to meet them. This is a great way meeting singles in Boston if you are too shy to talk to people in person, but still want to get to know them. Try to keep important personal information to yourself until you feel you are ready to meet them in person, and are comfortable with who they are when they are not just a username.

Professional Matchmaking

Matchmaking services differ from online dating sites, as they set you up on dates. There isn’t the online chatting time to get to know the person first. Typically, the matchmakers will interview anyone who wants to sign up and will have them fill out similar questionnaires to the online dating services to determine personality, interests and hobbies. When you matchmaker finds you a match, they will set you up on a date with your match. Sometimes it might be a blind date, to where you just have to trust your matchmaker that they know what they are doing, and sometimes you get to see their profile, picture and basic information prior to the meet. Typically, a matchmaking service will cater to those in their local area. If you are not one to go out and find someone on your own, these services are an excellent way of meeting singles in Boston.

For the Outgoing Singles

Go out! Just go to a coffee shop, or the mall, or a pool hall, park, beach, or even the library. Go out and start meeting singles in Boston. There are over half a million people in Boston. There is bound to be one person that could be your match made in heaven sitting at the computer next to you in the library.