When a person is suffering a physical or mental disability they have the right to apply for Social Security disability benefits. At the outset the applicant will usually decide what is better; hiring a disability lawyer in Michigan or try to go it alone.

The sad fact is that the greatest majority of applications for Social Security disability benefits are denied, the percentage of denials varies little whether the claimant has a lawyer at this stage or not. Because so many claims are denied they end up going for appeal, it is during this process that having a seasoned lawyer on your side makes all the difference in the world. Of course no disability lawyer in Michigan can guarantee that their client will be awarded benefits but what they can do is to ensure the claim is supported with all the evidence that is needed to make a good case during the appeals stage.

Developing a case:

Law is a complicated business, laypeople really have no understanding of the law nor do they have any understanding of how to prepare for a hearing in front of an administrative law judge. On the other hand a disability lawyer is intimate with all the rules, regulations, laws and procedures and as such can put together a winning case for a client. A lawyer who deals with this segment of law has been in front of the administrative judge many times in the past, they know what to expect and they know what answers the judge is looking for.

There is actually no good reason not to hire a lawyer, disability lawyers are obliged by law to work on contingency and they only get paid if they win the case. As a result they work diligently to ensure that your case is prepared and presented in the best way possible to have the best chance at success. The lawyers will go to great lengths to find the clients medical records and the results of any tests that may have been taken; the lawyer will get supporting statements from the attending physician and with his in-depth understanding of the process will be able to apply present this in an understandable manner.

A person claiming disability benefits without the assistance of a disability lawyer in Michigan can win and occasionally does, but the odds of winning with a lawyer are far better.

The chances of a successful application for Social Security disability benefits are far better when you hire a disability lawyer in Michigan to represent you.