You may have heard of reflexology, the alternative medical discipline that emphasizes the application of pressure to the feet and hands as a means of treating various medical issues. It’s an ancient field of medicine that generally involves a reflexologist applying pressure to targeted zones of the feet and hands, often using a combination of oils and lotions to lubricate the process and to couple the discipline with aromatherapy. These massages can affect physical changes upon the body and when used in conjunction with mainstream medical procedures and general health and fitness-promoting activity can massively improve your quality of life.

How It Can Help You

Reflexology in SF is a modern incarnation of a practice that has been used since the days of the ancient Chinese and Egyptians. Ancient hieroglyphs and drawings depict medicine men, and other equivalents to modern doctors, performing extensive massages on the feet and hands of ill and injured individuals. In modern times this ancient wisdom is used in conjunction with modern technology and understanding to deliver optimum results to patients who suffer from foot-related medical issues, as well as those pertaining to the legs and lower back.

The primary principle used by reflexologists is that the whole body is interconnected and you cannot have an effect upon one part of the body without having some measure of impact on another. The feet offer a virtual roadmap of bodily zones and applying pressure to the feet, when performed by a professional, assists in the treatment of a wide variety of medical issues. First and foremost, our feet are fragile and their tiny muscles are susceptible to a wide array of damage. Reflexology, when deployed in conjunction with the medical discipline of podiatry, is a great way of keeping your feet in healthy condition and reducing your overall stress levels with a relaxing foot massage.

Similarly, if you’re suffering from issues with posture and leg or lower back pain, your feet or walking position may be to blame. Many people fail to realize that they are walking abnormally because they become accustomed to over-applying or exerting one section of their foot to avoid pain in another, which can have effects on bone structure and muscle strength all the way up your legs and into your lower back. If you see a reflexologist, they’ll provide the pressure necessary to alleviate your debilitating foot pain and set you on the path to recovery, while improving your posture and gait in the process. You shouldn’t have to suffer in silence because of some damage done to your foot. With reflexology, you can enjoy the benefits of optimum foot health thanks to the meeting of ancient wisdom and modern medical expertise.