Everyone, individuals and businesses, produces scrap. Some produce very little while others produce literally tons of it. This fact raises some questions.

Need We Produce So Much?

It may not be possible to stop producing scrap but it is fairly easy to rearrange activities so as to reduce the amount of scrap that you produce. There are many ways to achieve this. For example, individuals could choose to use fewer plastic shopping bags and reuse the ones they feel that they cannot do without. Factories can often change raw material sizing so that a lower percentage ends up as scrap.

What Do We Do With Our Scrap?

Possibly, we simply throw it out with the garbage and then forget all about it. After all,”someone” comes round regularly and takes our garbage away. Whether it is then dumped in a landfill, composted, incinerated or recycled is of little concern to those who threw it away.

Is Our Particular Scrap Really Garbage?

Domestic, industrial or commercial there will be some scrap that is of no use to anyone but, the amount is surprising small in comparison with the total amount of scrap produced. Maybe we do not like to carry around a lot of coins from our loose change but we don’t throw them out with the garbage. Even old soda cans could be likened to coins since they can be recycled and effectively turned into cash.

Reuse And Recycle

Old clothing can often be worn again by someone else. Reusable spare parts can be stripped off old cars and refurbished for use in another vehicle. The list is long and wide reaching. When it cannot be reused, the scrap may be ideal for recycling. Sometimes this might entail turning it into something else but, usually, it will be converted back to its original raw material. Those aluminum soda cans simply need compacting and melting in a furnace to turn them into a block of ready to use aluminum.

Is It Worth It?

If you take a totally environmentally correct viewpoint, it should always be worthwhile to avoid waste, reuse and recycle whenever possible. However, not everyone operates on totally altruistic principles. In that case, the money aspect might be the turning point. When you can make money out of your scrap, then you are going to be more open to recycling and other ideas.

Scrap prices are what can make the difference. When the scrap is metal that is going to be converted back into its original state, the scrap prices will be linked to the commodities market price for the base material that is going to be converted.

Should you wish to dispose of scrap metal in the Newark NJ area, you should try contacting someone like H&C Metals, they offer very competitive Scrap Prices.