In the corporate world, job stress can be overwhelming at times. This can lower a company’s productivity, can raise illness rates and can leave employees feeling discouraged. One of the best tools that a business can use to help alleviate symptoms of stress is to hire an inspirational speaker. Of course, when it comes to choosing a presenter, you may not know where to start. It’s always best to start with motivational humorous speakers. If you’re not sure that funny is best, here are three reasons why comedy should be valued in times of stress.

Humor Doesn’t Hurt

Many people think that if you need to have a serious talk, that humor is ill placed. This isn’t accurate. In fact, important presentations can be delivered even better when there is comedy added in. On one hand, it is a better vehicle to deliver a message. It’s more memorable and attention-grabbing than a dry presentation. By no means does it strip value from what you’re talking about. Professional humorous speakers understand the balance.

Laughter Reduces Stress

If stress is a problem in your company, then the importance of a speaker would be to help reduce that. You want to get people motivated again. In order to boost morale, you not only have to have the right talking points, but you should be able to make a person laugh. A night of laughter can really turn around a person’s outlook. They can return to work more optimistic not only because of the message delivered but because they had a good time too.

Comedy Helps People Cope

In high-stress environments, laughter can be a way to deal with that. For humorous motivational speakers, they understand that. In helping a company laugh again, they are also giving them the tools to use later on. Your guests will be able to use humor as a way to be more productive.