A clean office is a happy office, allowing you get on with your work without having to navigate a keyboard filled with crumbs or a desk covered with dust. Keeping a clean work environment will keep germs at a minimum. This, in turn lowers the number of sick days that staff will have to deal with. Most importantly, a clean office will increase your business reputation, clients will be happy to pop in and visitors will see that your company is efficient and organized. If your office is getting a bit dirty, and you lack the time or inclination to clean it yourself, why not look into hiring janitorial in San Jose? Janitors can be paid to clean your office on a regular basis, but there are a few things you can do yourself that will keep the mess at bay. Below you will find two easy tips for a clean office.

Hang Up Your Jackets

Hanging jackets over the back of office chairs are unsightly for visitors to your business. A better idea is to a have a coat rack or hook that staff can use for their outerwear, especially in winter. Any other form of clothing like gym clothes or spare shoes should be stored outside of the office, either in cars or at home.

Remove The Trash

Food and spillages are the most problem causing item on the desk, they lead to grime and grit being rubbed into the desk and become extremely gross over time, with a sticky surface and stinky aroma, it’s best to nip these problems in the bud by simply removing the offending items as soon as possible. One of the best ways to do this is to supply each desk with a good sized trash can and enforce a no lunch at the desk rule.

If your office needs anything janitorial in San Jose, check out Maintenance Systems Management on their website at http://msm-inc.com.