Bees are an important part of agriculture, as they pollinate crops. However, that does not mean a homeowner wants them buzzing around. It can be challenging to remove a swarm of bees, and proper removal depends on multiple factors. Here, readers can learn how to identify and get rid of a honey bee swarm in Westerville OH, as well as other bee species.


These bees are a social species, organized by caste. The queen is in charge of the hive, and she lays all the eggs for the entire colony. Drones are males who mate with the queen, and worker bees are all females. The worker bees are the hive’s largest group, and they keep things running smoothly. Both queens and worker bee can sting, but they only do so when attacked. Unlike honey bees, bumblebees can sting more than once and still survive.

Honey Bees

Apis mellifera, or honeybees, can be found near homes and honey production areas. These bees are smaller than bumble or carpenter bees, and they also live in a caste system that revolves around the queen bee. Hives are commonly found in hollow trees as well as in attics and crawlspaces. Worker bees sting when provoked but can only sting once before dying.

Carpenter Bees

The carpenter bee belongs to the genus Xylocopa, and they look similar to bumble bees. However, carpenter bees are solitary and do not produce honey. They can be found in fields, wooded areas, and around homes with outdoor plantings. Rather than building a hive, carpenter bees burrow into wooden surfaces to build homes, but they don’t eat the wood.

Bee Prevention

Bees typically scavenge for pollen as a food source, and honeybees travel for miles to look for food. Bees can be attracted to sweets such as juice, fruit, and soda. To minimize the appearance of a honey bee swarm in Westerville OH, the owner should remove food sources and keep containers closed.


There are many options to remove bees including everything from traps to hive removal. Traps trick the bees into entering through a small hole where they fall into a bottle. Traps are ineffective and are not recommended by pest control professionals, as bees are very beneficial. The best solution is to call a professional to remove the bees, as a wildlife control company has the right tools and skills for the type of bees near the home.