In Florida, a multitude of factors affects personal injury cases. These factors include but are not limited to the nature of the injuries and a reduction of earning capacity. The full impact of the injuries defines the level of compensation in which the victim is entitled. The following are questions answered by Personal Injury Lawyers in Live Oak FL about these cases.

What are the First Steps for Starting a Claim?

The attorney contacts all responsible parties and determines if the settlement is available. These parties include the defendant and their insurance provider. Next, the attorney requests the victim’s medical records and provides copies for the defendant and their insurer. A demand letter is sent to both the defendant and their insurer. Finally, the attorney negotiates with all parties to acquire a settlement. If a settlement isn’t acquired, the case moves to trial.

What Factors Determine the Value of the Award?

The factors that determine the award value begin with the injuries and the duration in which treatment was needed. The value of all medical bills and related expenses, as well as any payment received from insurance policies, are reviewed. Any additional coverage for these injuries received through separate policies contributes to the total value. The defendant’s net worth also plays a role in calculating an award.

How Long Do Personal Injury Cases Last?

Personal injury cases last on average around eighteen months. Some cases are completed sooner if a settlement is reached. A more complex case could lead to a longer duration based on any investigation required.

Does a Health Insurance Provider Get a Reimbursement?

Yes, if the victim’s health insurance paid any portion of their medical bills, they are reimbursed. The victim must provide them a payment out of their settlement to cover any expenses paid through their own policy. This also applies to personal injury protection coverage.

In Florida, attorneys follow proper protocol when starting a personal injury claim. These steps determine how the case is managed and the value of the settlement achieved. Victims who need assistance contact Personal Injury Lawyers in Live Oak FL by visiting for more details today.

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