Anyone who likes to camp, hike or drive around in wilder parts of the country can benefit from having a Temperate Climate Kit in California. A variety of emergency preparedness supplies allows someone to keep warm when the sun goes down and the weather turns cold. Certain items in particular, such as the Zombie Tinder, provide an easy way to start a campfire whether conditions are favorable or not.

These fire starters have been designed to even burn well with wet wood, a situation many people have encountered at one time or another while camping on unimproved land. The devices will burn for at least two hours, even if it’s raining. After that amount of time, the wood may suffice, or another fire starter can be added. Zombies are known for being practically indestructible, and people can count on this being true for a product with that name.

A Temperate Climate Kit in California is primarily intended for use in areas where the weather tends to be moderate throughout the year. These regions have four seasons but don’t experience extremes in winter or summer temperatures. That characterizes much of California as well as the states directly to the north: Oregon and Washington. However, it also is useful in desert regions and those that have harsh winter weather. A person who becomes stranded in cold and snow can use a fire starter and other survival equipment to stay warm and safe until assistance is available.

Although the Zombie Tinder name was originally associated with the fire-starting product, it has since become the brand name for a variety of emergency preparedness items. Someone who is stranded in an area with no residents, stores or businesses may want to have some basic fishing equipment along, for example. Catching fish and cooking it over the campfire provides sustenance while waiting for help to arrive. Some individuals like to have a survival kit even if they don’t enjoy being out in the wilderness; they want to be prepared at home in case a disaster ever occurs that knocks out power and heat. Visit the Website to learn more about equipment that can be included in a survival kit.