If you find yourself in need of urgent dental care in Wet Town, there is help available. Dental complications can happen in the evenings and on the weekends. It is important to know where to find an emergency dentist in Wet Town. Sports injuries, after surgery issues, and infections all call for immediate service. A regular hospital emergency room is not equipped with dental experts. A proper dentist needs to assess the situation. Call your dentist directly for these types of problems.


The main cause of after-hours dental care is sports. Sports often involve heavy equipment that can hit players in the face. A lost or chipped tooth must be taken care of before it is unable to be saved. It is important to try to recover the tooth from the scene of an accident as quickly as possible. This allows for the best chance of reattachment. Once your dentist is alerted, a meeting takes place at the medical office. The situation can be assessed the day of the injury, and some sort of stability is established before you go home. A plan of action may continue at a dental visit during regular hours.


Surgical dental procedures are often needed in West Town. An emergency surgery after a patient has been enduring extreme pain at home after office hours. An emergency dentist knows how to handle situations that have become complicated. Wisdom teeth are a common issue for many people. They can suddenly start to cause unbearable pain before you make an appointment to have them removed. In this case, the dentist may be qualified to do the surgery or may have to call his oral surgeon to assist. Surgery relieves the pressure of misplaced teeth.

If an emergency dentist is needed, go to Washington Dental Care in West Town for help. You can take a look at their services on their website.