If you are looking for extra money, you might actually have a lot of extra cash lying around your house and just not realize it. That money can often be found in scrap metal. There is a lot of money to be earned by scrapping different kinds of metal because metal is actually a commodity. Metal is a commodity like any other. Its value is determined by its utility and its rarity. Metals that are not common but aren’t very useful won’t fetch you much money. Alternately, common metals that are very useful might net you a good amount of money. You need to talk to experts at junk yards about what they’re looking for.

What They’re Looking For

At junk yards in Louisiana, certain metals are always welcome. Steel and aluminum are always acceptable. They are fairly common metals, but they are used for everything from soda cans to automobiles. Aluminum foil is in practically every kitchen; manufacturers are always looking for affordable sources of aluminum. Steel is the same way; steel is in many different materials, from the nails in your roof to your washing machine.

The experts are also always looking for copper. Copper is one of the most valuable metals that is generally found around a house.

Why Copper?

Copper is one of the most popular metals at junk yards because it is so ductile and so doncutive. Copper is used to make electrical wiring in your walls, your appliances, and your air conditioner. Copper can be drawn into flexible wire in ways that other metals cannot be used. However, since it conducts electricity so well, it does not lose its conductivity when drawn into a wire. It has low impedance, which means it creates less excess heat. Copper wire can be thinner than other metals while still retaining its integrity.