Any new French Bulldog owner is going to have questions about how much exercise they require. They are a sturdy breed, but quite small, so finding the right balance might seem difficult. The truth is that while Frenchies do require some exercise, they don’t need a whole lot of it. However, many French Bulldogs in Los Angeles, CA will be happy to run and play until they are tired out.

French Bulldog Exercise Regimen

Every French is different from other French Bulldogs. They all have a slightly different size and weight, as well as personality and temperament. As such, saying how much exercise your dog needs is impossible. What we can do is give an answer when considering the average French Bulldog. Keep in mind they may need less or more depending on the dog in question.

Every Frenchie needs to be walked. A walk or two around the block each day may be enough, but French Bulldogs that are younger often have more energy and require more playtime. If you have a yard your dog can run in, that can be a good way to supplement his walk.

With older French Bulldogs, they may be less inclined to exercise. You should still get them outside for a walk around the block at least once a way. However, you also need to consider the weight of the dog, their diet, keeping them properly cool, and monitoring them while outside.

Playtime for Your Frenchie

You might think that playtime is the exercise for your dog and you aren’t entirely wrong. Frenchies often enjoy being rambunctious and enjoy a good play session. Those who have only one pet may need cues from you as the owner to let them know when playtime is happening.

If you can’t just let the dog run around the yard, it’s important to keep to daily walks. This is especially important if you live in an apartment or other small dwelling. It’s always acceptable to add some extra playtime in the evenings to tire your Frenchie out, especially if he’s rather young.

The Perfect French Bulldog in Los Angeles, CA

If you have been considering buying a French Bulldog, you should be sure to take a look at French Bulldog L.A. We have an open house each weekend, as well as appointments to meet the dogs on weekdays. To learn more about our dogs, you can reach us by phone at 310-686-7801.