When you are looking for ways to keep your home cool this summer you can find ways both inside and out. You can plant some trees to block out the sun or in Suffolk awnings are quite popular. The important thing to remember is that cooling your home does not always mean cranking up the air conditioning.


In Suffolk awnings can provide double duty to keeping your home cooler in the summer. First they provide an attractive protection from the sun when you are enjoying your backyard. If you have a south facing backyard the sun can be very harsh and having a retractable awning allows you to open it to provide much needed shade when you want it and retract it when you want to bask in the sun or once the sun begins to set. However, you can also use awnings to provide much needed shade to your home’s windows which will help keep the interior of your home cooler as well.

Plants and Bushes

Another way to keep your home cool is to plant more trees and bushes in front of windows that have sun exposure. This can do more than just add shade, it can also add to your home’s curb appeal. You can work with a landscaper who will know which plants will grow quickly as well as avoid plants that will not cause potential foundation issues to your home due to roots. A good landscaper will recommend the plants that will not only look good but that will provide shade to windows that are being exposed to the harshness of the sun.

Close the Curtains

Keeping your curtains closed in rooms with direct sunlight will also help keep your home cooler. Take note of where the sun falls during the day and close those curtains before going to work in the morning. It will help keep your home cool for when you come home at night.

Having direct sun blocked from your home will not only keep your rooms cooler but also keep your furniture looking newer longer. In Suffolk awnings can provide a lovely addition to your backyard and the addition of plants about your property will also add beauty and shade.
