It’s true that hair loss is more common in men as compared to women. But thinning hair and hair loss is very common in women as well, and no less demoralising.

Generally speaking, we all lose hair. This could happen while you’re blowing it dry, when you give it a brush or during a morning shower. That’s normal because there will be new hair to replace it. But if this doesn’t happen and you see signs of baldness or considerable reduction in the volume of your hair, it’s time to see the doctor.

So who’s the culprit? It could be anythi ng from a temporary vitamin deficiency to a more complex underlying health condition. Let’s talk about those.

Physical stress and trauma
Any kind of physical stress, such as a surgery, a severe illness or a period of low emotional state, can cause temporary hair loss. Stress and trauma triggers a kind of hair loss, known as telogen effluvium.

Your hair goes through a life cycle: a growth phase, rest phase and a shedding phase. When you are really stressed up, the body begins to show up symptoms of shock on the hair cycle, putting more hair into the shedding phase. However, the good news is, that such kind of hair loss is temporary and your hair will regrow once your body recovers from the stress.

Pregnancy can be traumatic sometimes, taking a toll on your mental and physical self. Hair loss related to pregnancy is more common post the delivery of the baby than during the actual pregnancy.
If that happens, don’t worry- it’s a normal thing and such kind of hair loss usually ceases in a couple of months.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS is a hormonal disorder caused due to an imbalance in the male and female sex hormones. PCOS women tend to have more male hormones, resulting in issues such as an excess of hair on the face and body, baldness, thinning of hair and more.

PCOS and several other hormonal imbalances can be treated by proper medical intervention.

Female pattern hair loss generally occurs in women who come from a family where hair loss in women occurs at a certain age. Although women might not have a receding hairline, they might have scarring of few areas and thinning of hair.

Certain medications can help in dealing with this- minoxidil being the most commonly used.

Other reasons include emotional stress, dramatic weight loss, overstyling and an improper diet.

Hair Loss Treatments

Several treatments or methods for regrowth of hair in women are present out there, but most of them either offer a large number of side effects or are not recommended. Toppik offers a great range of products to treat hair loss in women that have been clinically proven and are non-harmful.

There are several other drigs and formulas to treat hair loss in women, however, most of them are not recommended by the FDA and have plenty of side effects, especially for women with kidney impairment or who are pregnant.

Hair transplant is another way of dealing with hair loss. It involves the removal of tiny plugs of hair from a region of thick hair on the scalp and placing them in areas that are balding. This approach carries a slight risk for infection and can cause minor scarring of the areas from where the hair is removed. However, the results obtained from this method are excellent and permanent. Hair Transplant is an effective way of dealing with hair loss, but is very expensive.

Use of hair implants and stitching hair pieces to the scalp was again banned by FDA due to the severe risk of infection associated with it.

Hair building fibers offer a great cosmetic makeover without any side effects and painful procedures. The right brand of this product can be effective in giving an appearance of fuller hair, and a natural looking and thick hairline.