As a homeowner, you work to make sure your home is safe and intact. Any homeowner can tell you that maintaining a home can be very difficult. One of the most difficult things to address is an infestation. Insects always seem to find a way inside of homes across America. What can you do about this? You can start by contacting a service for Extermination in Irvine. Let’s discuss the intruders you should watch out for and what you can do to prevent an infestation.

One of the most dangerous insects to avoid is the termite. Termites can literally eat your home until it begins to fall apart. Subterranean and drywood termites are the two main types of species wreaking havoc in the U.S. Both of these types of species are attracted to dark areas with a lot of moisture. If you keep wood around your home, or you have a leak somewhere that’s causing wood to rot, you could be attracting thousands of termites. Get rid of extra wood and repair all leaks around your home.

Roaches are another kind of insect that most people generally hate dealing with. Every home seems to have a problem with roaches. It’s almost impossible to rid your home completely of these insects. However, you can take steps to prevent them from entering your home. Roaches also like to frequent dark and humid areas. They’re also attracted to food and water. Fix any leaks around your home, and never leave standing water out where it shouldn’t be. You should also remember to tightly seal garbage cans and garbage bags.

Bed bugs are another problem that can be addressed by a service for Extermination in Irvine. It can be hard to spot bed bugs because they’re so small. The bad thing about bed bugs is the fact that they can multiply fairly quickly. As a result, homeowners don’t realize they’ve been infested until the situation has gotten out of hand.

If you’re ever faced with one of these critters, you should Contact Socal Exterminators. Professional exterminators have all of the necessary tools to handle everything from termites and roaches, to bed bugs and rats. Give your local exterminator a call as soon as you notice a problem.