A facelift, medically known as a Rhytidectomy, can have many positive effects on a person’s psychological well-being. This person might hesitate to get a Facelift in CT, worrying that she would be having surgery done for frivolous reasons. However, research shows that the benefits for confidence and general mental health make getting a facelift worthwhile. That’s good news for anyone who has been feeling unsure about the prospect.

An individual may become distressed as she views the changes in her face due to aging. Sagging jowls, a double chin, drooping eyelids and wrinkles all take away from her beauty. Other people may tell her that she looks as beautiful as ever, but if she doesn’t feel that way, her confidence level will drop. She may feel shy and she may not have the sparkling personality she once did.

A Facelift in CT can resolve many of the problems connected with aging. These issues result from a decrease in collagen and fat, which gives skin its youthful plumpness, and a reduction in elasticity. A cosmetic surgeon can move fat from one area to another, lift facial muscles, move underlying tissues to make the face look younger and remove any excess skin that has developed.

Studies have consistently found that people experience enhanced mental health after a facelift. As far back as 1964, researchers found that a large majority of women reported improved well-being after this type of operation. Similar results have been found ever since then. When an individual feels dismayed every time she looks in the mirror, getting cosmetic surgery should be considered important for psychological reasons. Improved self-esteem and confidence about her appearance will make the person feel more satisfied with life in general. She may feel more assertive about applying for new career opportunities and about making new friends.

Nobody should feel embarrassed about the desire to have a rejuvenated appearance and to feel more attractive. A cosmetic surgeon such as the medical doctor at Cosmetic Surgical Arts can provide a consultation and further information about facelifts. A person who is interested in the possibilities may Click here to learn more.