If you’re having problems with your asphalt driveway, then you’re not the only one. Although asphalt driveways can be very durable they can also be very vulnerable. Your driveway is exposed to the outside elements every single second of the day. Things like rain and ice can cause cracks, and sooner or later repairs will need to be made. Thankfully, Asphalt Patching can be used to remedy most problems.

Before you fix any cracks or holes you should take the size of these problems into account. Tiny hairline fractures can be fixed with crack filler. If you’re dealing with a crack that’s much wider than a hairline, an Asphalt Patching product can be used to fill it in as well. If the crack is fairly deep, you should consider using gravel and sand to fill in the crack first.

You can’t properly patch or repair a crack or hole without making sure the area is cleaned first. Dirt and debris can interfere with any patching product that you use. You should start a repair project by sweeping away any dirt or loose gravel. If there are weeds present, you can either pull them, cut them, or use a powerful weed killer. After removing all of the debris you can then begin patching the cracks and holes.

You have to take into account the temperature and the weather as well. Most experts will agree that you’ll see better results from your work during a nice warm day. Asphalt repairs shouldn’t be done during the rainy season or when it’s too cold outside. A wet or cold surface will prevent the repairs from settling as they should. Try making these repairs during the summer when it’s nice and hot outside.

Don’t forget to apply a protective coating to your entire driveway once or twice a year. Applying a protective coating will keep your repairs and entire driveway safe from the outside elements. A protective coating will help the surface of the pavement stay smoother for a longer period of time.

Use these tips in order to repair and maintain your driveway. Again, take into account the size of your cracks before repairing them. Make sure the area is clean and that the repairs are done on a warm and dry day. Lastly, remember to apply a protective coating at least once a year.

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