A non-functioning or inefficient cooling system is not only going to make your home uncomfortable, it can easily raise your utility bills as much as it raises your temperature. Since people only turn these systems on when they need them, a breakdown is going to occur when you need your AC the most.

The best method of ensuring this frustrating scenario does not happen to you is having an Air Conditioning contractor inspect and perform maintenance on your system annually. But, this is not a 100 percent guarantee that you will never experience problems. Here are some tips for getting through those hot, sticky hours (or days) until you AC is running properly again.

Begin by closing any shades or curtains on windows where the sun is shining into the home. If you have only gauzy curtains, use towels or blankets that can provide a shield against the heat. It may not look pretty, but some studies have shown this one trick can lower the inside air temperature by as much as 20 degrees.

Put fans in every room and turn your bathroom exhaust fans on to keep the air moving throughout the house. Make sure all ceiling fans are turning counter-clockwise. Keep your windows closed during the day and reopen them at night when the outside air has cooled. Use fans in the windows at night to draw some of this cool air into the house.

Stay on the first floor of the home and use fans in the windows of higher floors to blow the hotter air outside. Turn off all of the appliances you can live without. Anything electrical, including lights, TVs, and computers, generates heat when in use. Either go out to eat or grill outside rather than using your oven or stove top.

Keep yourself cool by dressing in loose, lightweight clothing like linen and cotton, drink plenty of fluids, and take a cool shower to lower your body temperature. Eat small meals, as digesting a large meal can raise the body temperature, and avoid drinking any alcohol.

Of course, before you do any of this, contact an Air Conditioning Contractor like the experts at domain URL. They will be on their way immediately to assess the situation and get your AC back on and operating the way it should.