Hemorrhoids are referred to as piles. These small, inflamed, and swollen veins often are considered to look like grapes when they protrude from the anus. These small but frequent painful lumps may develop inside the rectum as internal hemorrhoids, or they can be located outside the anus, just beneath the skin. These are called external hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids can be quite painful. They can itch, bleed, and they are irritating to have, in general. Even those with minor issues seek hemorrhoid relief. What you need to know is that it is readily available.

Hemorrhoid Relief: Basic Types

You can find relief from hemorrhoids in one or more ways. Essentially, they fall into three distinct categories. These are:

* Remedies applicable at home: non-invasive and readily available
* Non-invasive medical procedures
* Surgery

The type of treatment your hemorrhoids will require will depend upon the extent of the problem.

Hemorrhoid Relief: Home Remedies

Most instances of hemorrhoids are mild in nature. They cause some discomfort and pain, but not excessively. These types of hemorrhoids respond well to several different approaches, which are all readily available and involve simple, uncomplicated actions. Among the most common are:

* Taking warm baths to reduce the swelling and relieve the pain and itching
* Taking a sitz bath
* Applying one of the several products available externally e.g. hemorrhoid creams, gels, ointments, suppositories, pads, and foams. They can be applied in a thin layer around the anus, or inserted using a “pile pipe” or finger

In addition to baths and topical ointments, it may also be necessary to modify your current lifestyle, as well as your diet. The overall goal is to prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids by eating enough fiber and drinking enough water to create softer stools that will pass through the digestive tract easily, without straining or causing irritation.

Hemorrhoid Relief: Medical Intervention

While most hemorrhoids respond well to such treatments, sometimes it is essential to turn to medical procedures to remove them and cause the pain to cease. The following are potential options:

* Clot Removal: A minor form of surgery

* Rubber Band Ligation: Used frequently for prolapsed internal hemorrhoids

* Sclerotherapy (Injection Therapy): Often utilized for internal hemorrhoids that are small in size

* Infrared Coagulation: This utilizes infrared light and is a minimally invasive form of surgery.

* Hemorrhoidectomy: This is a surgical procedure that is done only in severe cases – ones that do not respond to any other form of treatment.

Hemorrhoid Relief – What You Need to Know

If you think you have hemorrhoids, do not panic. Instead, visit your doctor so he or she can confirm or negate the diagnosis. You can then be referred to a specialist who can help you decide how best to proceed. Remember, while some may be painful enough to require non-invasive treatment at a medical facility, most hemorrhoids are minor. Very few of them are of severe a nature, so they will not require you to submit to a Hemorrhoidectomy.

When it comes to hemorrhoid relief, what you need to know first is if hemorrhoids are, indeed, your condition. Once you have established this, contact the professionals at Chicago Hemorrhoid. They can help you decide what treatment options are available.