If you are like most people, you dislike having to shave or wax every day. However, it can be difficult to know if a laser hair removal procedure in Chicago will be right for you. In the past, it was difficult to do and usually took multiple treatments, but now, it can be easier and sometimes will only need one treatment.

How It Works

Typically, this type of treatment works by sending lights to hair follicles to destroy the root. However, it isn’t strong enough to damage the skin. There are many options available, and you may want to consider a surgeon that uses the best and most advanced technology options to ensure you get the best treatment. For example, the CoolGlide option works well. Typically, the handpiece utilized by the surgeon will glide over the area to be treated while it also emits light pulses. However, this option cools and soothes the skin and it is used, so there is less discomfort.

What It Does

In essence, the lasers are used to remove unwanted hairs easily without having to continuously shave or wax. It can be less painful than waxing.

Is It Permanent?

While most people are looking for a permanent solution, it is not considered permanent. It is regarded as a reduction in the hairs of the treated area. However, with that being said, many times the treatment lasts for years before you notice any regrowth. In most cases, the hairs that are removed stay gone permanently, but it won’t permanently remove all the hairs in the area.

Procedure Time

The time it takes for the procedure will be based on the area treated. Smaller areas, such as arms or legs will take less time than a hairy back or chest. Facial areas will take less time than the arms and legs. However, most treatments take only one session and are done within an hour. However, if you need to go back to work or have other plans, you may want to talk with the doctor prior to the procedure to ensure the time is sufficient.

Recovery Time

While there will likely be some side effects such as looking like you have a mild sunburn, it shouldn’t stop you from doing most of your normal activities. Most doctors recommend wearing loose-fitting clothing for a few days to ensure that nothing else goes wrong and that the skin heals, but other than that, it shouldn’t take any time to recover.

Laser hair removal in Chicago is an excellent way to reduce the amount of hairs on certain parts of the body, including legs, arms, and back. Visit our website online to learn more about our services and treatments.