While the title of this article suggests that the follow medical condition relates to the legs, it is quite possible that this condition can appear on other parts of your body. Today we are discussing spider veins. This is a somewhat common problem with people who have issues with blood circulation in their body. Although this is just but one reason for spider veins, there are several others that exist in addition to it. In the following paragraphs we will take a look at some of the common concerns, causes and treatments for dealing with this medical condition.

Step One – Understanding The Reasons Of Spider Veins

There are three primary reasons why you can get this kind of complication. We’ll start with damage to your blood vessels. This can happen for any number of reasons, and while it is more common in people with higher blood pressure or some underlying medical concerns it can happen entirely without any reasoning. In some cases blood can become trapped in the smaller capillaries and begin to interrupt the healthy flow of fluids. This can cause them to begin to seep in to the surrounding tissues. Finally, the valves that aid in circulation can become damaged and fail at their primary task. Any of these problems can arise and begin to cause issues at most any point during your life.

Step Two – What To Do About Them If You Have Them

Laser treatments are your best option if you’re looking for a minimally invasive technique that can be completed relatively quickly. These kinds of treatment plans may take course over several sessions in order to get all of the problem areas, but in terms of physical recovery time it is pretty short. Lasers are used in order to close the affected areas quickly and safely, and over some time these sealed areas will be reabsorbed by the body. There is a secondary technique that may be used instead of, or in conjunction with, laser treatments. This is called Sclerotherapy and it involves injections of a medicine directly into the affected regions to blanch and close off the damage sections.

Poor circulation isn’t something to take lightly. It can cause a host of ailments all throughout the body. If you suspect you may have this kind of ailment, and are looking for someone to evaluate you, then you should speak with your local physician about seeing a specialist.