Silver plating is not a modern discovery. It goes back further than the first serious commercial applications in the early 19th century. The Romans – particularly counterfeiters, used a form of plating on their coinage in the 3rd and 4th centuries. The more well-known types of a silver plating service actually did involve plates. These were the flatware made by Sheffield.

At first, the plates were only silver plated on one side. Later, the process was performed on both sides of the flatware. The result, eventually, was the availability of silver-plated items to all consumers for less cost. Initially, as was the case with the early roman coins, the process did not involve electroplating. This was no tot occur until the early 1800s when George Richards Elkington (1800-1865), his cousin, Henry Elkington and inventive assistant John Wright (1808-1844) patented the process of electroplating. This made the entire procedure easier and more affordable for all parties.

Why Silver Plating?

Silver plating requires the overlaying of a substrate surface with a thin layer of silver coating. Originally, it was done to provide silver plates, cutlery and jewelry at a cheaper price. It was a less expensive means for everyone to boats they had silver plates. A silver plating service meant first the middle class and then the working classes could afford to have something that the more wealthy classes had always possessed.

Silver plated dinnerware as well as jewelry became popular quickly as the process of electroplating expanded and the industrial revolution made things more affordable for certain classes. Yet, research and technology soon discovered that silver was more than a pretty plate. Silver was capable of doing so much more. It was for other properties than its appearance that several industries developed and interest in silver plating their components and/or products. Silver, it was discovered could provide a product with or enhance various qualities. As a result of the capabilities of a silver plating service, items made from copper, iron and various less costly or precious metals could now boast the qualities of silver including:

* Corrosion resistance
* High electrical conductivity
* Ease of paint adherence
* Exceptional heat conductivity
* Greater ease in solderability
* Malleability
* Lubricious

Two of the earlier reasons for using silver still remained. Silver plating is less costly than either a solid silver item or using a plating made from such metals as titanium. Silver is also still preferred by many because of its appearance.

Silver Plating Service

Companies today use a silver plating service for more than the production of jewelry, flatware or cutlery. Today, the process is employed to satisfy the needs of companies that produce electronics, military components and medical equipment and devices. They are in the aerospace industries and in the automotive manufactures. Silver has come a long way since its use as a means of defrauding the public. Today, a silver plating service can offer the public items that can satisfy their aesthetic sensibilities or help their car run longer and better.