Imagine for a moment if you will, travelling along one the nations interstate highways, sharing the road with other vehicles. All of a sudden the semi-truck directly in front of you jackknives, ending up straddling both lanes for who-knows-what reason; even though you try your best to avoid impact you end up slamming into the truck. Fortunately you and your passengers did not suffer from serious injury but unfortunately your car has to be written off as a total wreck. That’s the scenario, it is not one which can be treated as if you were in an accident with another car, accidents involving trucks are quite different and you will need to hire a truck accident lawyer in New Orleans.

When two cars are involved in an accident in the greatest majority of cases the vehicles are actually owned by the drivers and each is covered by their own insurance. This is not the case when you are involved in an accident with a commercial truck, you will need to work with a lawyer that understands the law and knows how to deal with the trucking company and their insurance company. The first thing your lawyer will do is to advise you not to say anything to the trucking company and never to sign any release of your medical records. If you allow your medical records to be made public you are opening the door to the trucking company’s insurers to know the extent of your injuries without your presence. The rules that apply to and surround truck accidents are complicated; the best advice is to leave everything in the hands of your capable truck accident lawyer in New Orleans.

There are several unique laws that apply to commercial trucking and commercial drivers; a seasoned truck accident lawyer is intimate with these laws. There are special licensing rules that apply to drivers of commercial operators; the drivers of these large trucks must undergo special training before they are licensed to operate on the open road.

Your truck accident lawyer in New Orleans will advocate for you, ensuring that any medical bills you incurred as well as the destruction of your vehicle will be adequately compensated for. These are tangible issues, there are also intangible issues such as lost wages and undue pain and suffering that must be factored in to the award.

If you find yourself involved in an accident with a truck you will want to hire a lawyer that is well versed with the complexities of a case of this nature, one that can argue on your behalf for the best possible settlement.

Different rules apply when you are involved in an accident with a commercial truck. If you need a truck accident lawyer in New Orleans, then visit Business Name for a free consultation.