The ideal workplace encourages fairness between employers and employees. However, that’s not always the case. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or EEOC reports that retaliation is the most common issue lodged by federal employees, with about 42 percent of discrimination-findings hinging mostly on retaliation.

A Retaliatory Discharge

Retaliation is when you take revenge on someone. At work, this can happen in a number of ways:

  • You’re fired. One example is if and when your employer takes revenge on you by firing you from the job simply because of your race, age, gender or any other invalid reason. Other retaliatory actions also affect the way employers hire and pay a certain employee, in a way that deviates from the standard protocols, such as when…
  • You can’t seem to get higher or more critical projects, or vice versa. With the latter, you only seem to get assignments of a certain kind, and it’s the kind that restricts your learning at work, keeping you from developing any technical skills to help you advance to the next level of your career.
  • You keep getting skipped over for a promotion. If you’ve been on the job for years but everyone else seems to get promoted except for you, you might have grounds to sue on the basis of a retaliatory discharge.

Get Proof

You’ll need to prove the discharge with two types of evidence: direct and circumstantial. Ask a lawyer for help to know more about what these entail and how you can gather evidence to support your claims.

Find Help

Your lawyer can provide you with all the options you need to make an informed decision. From preparing your claim and deciding whether or not you’ve got valid proof to eventually winning your case, your lawyer is there to offer you all the legal assistance you could possibly need.