There are many different dental specialties, these specialists are called upon when there is a specific dental demand that your general dentist is not comfortable with. Your general dentist in Downers Grove is the primary dental care provider for the entire family. Your general dentist is critical to your dental health, it is his or hers responsibility to diagnose and treat any common dental need. If specialized treatment is required it is your general dentist that will arrange the referral.

During your routine visits to your general dentist you will have a thorough examination which includes your teeth and gums, your teeth will be cleaned professionally and you and your dentist will discuss any issues of importance. If, during the examination, your dentist should find evidence of decay the tooth will be treated and filled. Although bi-annual exams, cleanings and fillings are common procedures, your general dentist can also provide:

  • Prevention: A key mandate of your general dentist in Downers Grove is to stop dental disease before it becomes a major problem. By giving you detailed instructions your general dentist can improve your at-home oral hygiene procedures. If you are involved in physical activities where there is the possibility of tooth damage, your dentist can fit you with a mouth guard.
  • Restoration: The most common tooth restoration service is placing fillings. There is far more that your general dentist can do; you can get attention when you suffer dental trauma such as a broken or knocked out tooth. Your dentist can place crowns, provide dentures and provide more complex procedures such as placing implants and performing root canals.
  • Cosmetic procedures: A general dentist is also involved with cosmetic dentistry, designed to improve and enhance the smile and looks of his patients. Teeth whitening, porcelain veneers and tooth colored fillings are common cosmetic procedures.

To ensure excellent oral health you should see your general dentist in Downers Grove every six months or at an interval that is set by the dentist. Whatever the interval is; don’t miss the appointments.