Many people do not smile because they do not like how their teeth look. Whether their teeth are crooked, too small for their mouth, or are discolored, a dentist can recommend services to help correct these maladies. These services include extracting teeth to allow room for them to grow in properly, applying veneers to change the appearance of teeth, or teeth whitening treatments to brighten your smile.

Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions

When a dentist examines your teeth, he or she may recommend cosmetic dentistry in DC to correct some issues. If your teeth are crooked, the dental professional can take x-rays to determine the cause and they’ll also provide the solutions you need to straighten them. In some cases, it may mean extracting teeth to alleviate overcrowding and allow room for the teeth to shift and grow in straight.

Clear Braces

Another cosmetic dentistry solution for straightening teeth is wearing Invisalign clear braces, but only if there are no chronic issues causing them to grow in crooked. There are several advantages to wearing clear braces, including being able to remove them at night before going to bed or before eating, and only needing to wear them for a few weeks in order to straighten your teeth. Adults who are correcting their teeth prefer clear braces because they are not as obvious as traditional metal or ceramic braces.

Apply Veneers

If you have gaps in your teeth or they appear to be too small for your mouth, dental veneers can be applied to change their appearance. Dentists specializing in cosmetic dentistry will measure your teeth, create a mold, and then apply the veneers. Once in place, they can shape or trim the veneers as needed, which will ensure that they look as natural as possible.

If you don’t like how your teeth look, there are cosmetic dentistry solutions available to change their appearance. If you are struggling to smile with confidence, it’s important to contact a dental professional for a consultation as soon as possible.