As a business owner, keeping your restrooms clean for your patrons is a big concern. There are several things you can do to ensure a clean restroom without a great deal of effort from your employees. Here are four simple options you can choose to keep your restrooms cleaner.

1. Choose hand dryers over paper towels. Paper towels cost more, and can make your restrooms messy. Employees will have to empty trash, and clean up towels that litter the floor, as well as deal with clogged toilets as a result of people putting towels in the toilets. Automatic hand dryers are less expensive and eliminate paper towels. Choosing industrial hand dryers ensure optimal efficiency, since these dry hands much faster than traditional dryers. Automatic industrial hand dryers are more hygienic for patrons, since their hands never touch the dryers.

2. Choose automatic flushing toilets. Automatic toilets help your restrooms stay cleaner and smell cleaner, as these ensure the toilet is flushed after every visit. These toilets are also often very efficient when it comes to water usage.

3. Choose dark colored floors. Dark colored floors hide dirt, so your bathrooms appear cleaner. Of course, these floors must be cleaned as often as other floors, but patrons will see the appearance of a much cleaner room.

4. Set up an inspection schedule.  Set up a schedule that requires employees to initial that they have inspected/cleaned the restrooms multiple times throughout the day.  Once you’ve installed hand dryers and automatic toilets, there should be little to clean, so most checks should be very quick.

These four simple changes can help you to have a restroom your patrons feel comfortable visiting. These are fairly simple changes, but ones that can add up to less work for employees, cost savings for you and appreciation from your valued customers.

American Dryer offers industrial hand dryers for restrooms of all kinds. Visit