There are many ways to maximize a car accident injury settlement, but one of the most vital is to avoid errors in the preliminary stages of the claim. Many victims are unaware that a simple mistake can cost them thousands in lost insurance payments. Here, victims can learn five mistakes to avoid in an auto accident claim.

Offering Too Many Details

When a victim contacts the other motorist’s insurer to initiate a claim, they shouldn’t offer too much information. The insurer wants victims to make a statement about the accident, but it’s not a good idea to give a statement before talking to a personal injury attorney in Harford County, MD.

Saying “I’m Fine”

While most auto accident injuries are readily apparent, others can take weeks or even months to appear. Accepting the first settlement offer can leave a victim unable to gain compensation if an injury has a delayed onset. It’s important to seek medical treatment immediately after a claim to protect health and ensure that the injury is properly documented.

Offering Too Much Medical History

Insurers want victims to grant access to their medical histories so they can potentially blame an injury on a previous accident. They’re in the business to make a profit, and they often boost the bottom line by denying legitimate claims for the most minor reasons. Victims should avoid sharing their medical records with the other driver’s insurance company.

Settling Too Early

The insurer’s goal is to get the victim to settle before they calculate the true value of the claim. Some victims may be tempted to settle quickly to avoid the hassles of dealing with a lengthy court case, but this can be costly in the long term. Victims should decline to discuss settlement until they’ve hired a personal injury attorney in Harford County, MD, had a medical exam, and gotten an estimate for auto repairs.

Giving early details about the accident or resulting damages can be disastrous, as can furnishing too much personal information. The car accident settlement process can be lengthy and complex, and victims should have all the facts before giving a statement. By avoiding the mistakes above and visiting, a client can maximize their potential settlement.

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