Gutters may be small, but they play a huge role in protecting a home’s exterior walls and foundation. They perform this valuable role by diverting rainwater away from the home to help prevent water damage. The average lifespan of Gutters in Olympia Wa varies based on what material they are made of, how well they are maintained, weather conditions, and a variety of other factors but, generally speaking, homeowners can expect to replace their gutters every 20-50 years.

All gutters should be cleaned and evaluated twice yearly. This helps to ensure they are in good condition and gives homeowners the chance to identify any problems before they become serious. While performing this basic evaluation, look for the following signs that it may be time to replace old gutters with new, more functional models.

Standing Water

If there is standing water in the gutters, even after the storm has passed, it’s a sure sign of trouble. Chances are the slope of the gutters is not steep enough.

Sagging Gutters

Gutters that are sagging, leaning, or hanging will likely need to be replaced. Once they start pulling away from the home or showing signs they are no longer level, there’s little that can be done short of serious repairs. Consider calling a repair technician for a professional evaluation.

Loose Seams

Not all gutters have seams. Many homeowners in recent decades have been opting for seamless gutters, as they require less maintenance and have longer lifespans. Gutters that do have seams should be checked routinely to make sure they are not pulling apart.

Dents and Bends

If one or more pieces of the gutter have become bent or severely dented, it’s probably time to replace it. Sometimes, the offending segment can be replaced without installing an entirely new system, but the chances are if one segment is damaged, there’s more trouble soon to come. It’s often more cost-effective to simply replace the Gutters in Olympia Wa.

Cracks and Holes

If there are visible cracks or holes, the gutter won’t be able to do its job. Water will be able to leak through and wind up too close to the home’s foundation. This can lead to an imminent need for much more costly foundation repairs, so be sure to have any gutter segments with cracks or holes replaced immediately.