Your feet are the foundation of your entire musculoskeletal system. This system involves the muscles, the skeleton, and the ways in which they interact. That includes tendons and ligaments. If you are having pain in your bones or muscles, it’s entirely possible that the problem begins with your feet. That’s especially true for people who spend a lot of time on their feet or who exercise frequently. If you are having problems with your feet or with any part of your musculoskeletal system, it could possibly be treated by foot orthotics.

What Are Orthotics?

Orthotics are inserts in your shoes or specially designed shoes themselves that are designed to change the way that your feet are balanced. They are designed to create balance by realigning your interaction with the ground. For example, if you overpronate when you walk or run, orthotics can change the way that your feet move when they hit the ground. This means that they will change the alignment of your ankles, knees, hips, lower back, and even your shoulders. Foot orthotics in Kenosha, WI can change the entire alignment of your body.

You can find some great advice from the experts at Family Foot & Ankle Clinics of Wisconsin LLC. They will be happy to help you.

Do You Need Orthotics?

It can sometimes be difficult to determine if you need foot orthotics or not. They are designed to treat more than just foot problems; therefore, it can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint the root of your problems. Doctors will inspect your feet and the rest of your skeletal system. They might even analyze your gait. That will give them a better understanding of how your feet are interacting with the ground and whether that is affecting your skeletal system. The doctors will then determine how best to treat your issues and how to prevent further issues.