We’re really hard on our knees, there’s no denying that. It’s easy to hurt them whether it’s a runner’s knee where they are jolted until they’re injured or twisting the knee when we’re playing sports and causing a meniscus tear. It’s also possible to hurt your knees just walking up the stairs or steeping the wrong way off the curb. Knees are pretty fragile and need to be taken care of, but when that’s not possible, treatment is necessary. Knees also don’t fare well as we grow older, they start to wear out and this can be painful. Knee pain treatment in Danvers, MA can be achieved without surgery if that’s the route you are looking to go.

Types of Knee Pain Treatment

The first option is regenerative cell therapy. This is done by getting donated stem cells and having them injected into the injured knee. This will let the cells start to repair the tear or damaged part of the knee. The next is a platelet rich plasma procedure. Blood is taken and then an injection in the knee goes in to help heal the injured knee.

Finding a Knee Pain Doctor

Knee pain can greatly affect your quality of life. It can get so bad you might not be able to walk or do the things you used to love. If you’re seeking knee pain treatment in Danvers, MA, you have options. The website will give you some good information on the types of treatment available to you if you need a place to start looking. They also offer treatment for hip, foot, back and other types of pain with options for non-surgical treatment. Don’t live with knee pain, do something about it today and book a free consultation.