The area that the sprinkler system will be installed in, will ultimately dictate if a dry or wet pipe fire sprinkler system is the best option for you and your business. In general, most of the time a wet pipe fire sprinkler system will be all you need to protect yourself. They are a popular system and are what most businesses and homeowners use. For buildings where there is a possibility that the water might freeze in the pipes, it is important to utilize a dry pipe system.

What is the Difference?

In a wet pipe system, water is stored in the pipes, a fire is detected, a valve opens, the water comes out and the fire is extinguished. This has the benefits of being instantaneous as the water is already at the location where it is required.

In the case where pipes freezing is a possibility, it is important to use a dry pipe system, so there is no water in the pipes until the fire is detected. This of course will save the pipes from damage and stop the prevention of the water being able to get to the fire because it is blocked by a piece of ice. In a dry pipe system, the pipes are pressurized with air or nitrogen gas, when a fire occurs the gas is released which in turn opens the valve to let the water come out of the heads to put down the flames. There is only the slightest of delay between when the fire is detected, and the water gets to it. The alternative is that the water can’t get to the fire at all because the pipe is obstructed by frozen water.

If you would like to learn more about wet or dry fire sprinkler installation in NJ, please feel free to visit