Many people who are searching for an accident attorney in St. Petersburg, FL, don’t realize everything you hear about personal injury claims may not be true. There are many myths that could hurt your chances of winning your personal injury case if you simply take them as fact. With that in mind, read on to learn the truth behind some of these myths.

You Have to Go to Court to Win

One of the biggest myths is you have to go to court in order to win any accident claim you file. In reality, a reputable accident attorney in St. Petersburg, FL, will settle out of court for your claim in many cases. Most insurance companies realize it is in their best interest and much cheaper to settle outside of court, instead of going through a drawn out trial.

All Lawyer Are Out to Take Your Money

In reality, most personal injury lawyers don’t get compensation unless you settle your case. The no win, no fees principle has been around for quite a long time now. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about paying your attorney, expect for certain fees, unless you win your case and settle for the amount owed you.

Claims Usually Take Years to Settle

While it is true many claims can take years to settle, that is not the rule. Most claims are settled out of court within eight to 12 months, sometimes sooner, barring any unforeseen circumstances. Trust your claim will settle faster with a reputable accident attorney in St. Petersburg, FL, in your corner.
For more information on finding a reputable accident attorney in St. Petersburg, FL, contact the professionals for help.