If you have a disability and are looking to collect disability benefits from the Social Security Administration, you have numerous reasons to seek an attorney. There are a lot of disabled individuals that have the misguided notion hiring a lawyer will get the benefits sooner. Social Security lawyers in Missouri cannot help you get a disability hearing quickly, but what they can do is make sure you avoid making mistakes during the process that will slow things down.

Waiting times for hearings are backed up all over the country. Many people are applying for SSDI and SSI because they aren’t able to rehabilitate themselves with adequate health care. The procedure for filing and appealing are tedious. Because of layoffs and budget cuts, Social Security agents have been affected and have become overwhelmed with claims.

What if your Social Security claim gets denied?

According to the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR), people who retain a lawyer have a better chance of getting SSDI or SSI. As soon as you file for disability, contact a lawyer to increase the chances of you winning your claim. An attorney can help you maneuver through the convoluted legal system and make sure all the documents and evidence gets filed correctly.

How Long Before You Get a Decision After a Hearing?

After your hearing, you can expect to wait two to three months before you get mailed the judge’s written determination. Regardless of the outcome, the judge prepares a comprehensive explanation that’s about 10-15 pages long.

The waiting periods can vary, and there is not a guarantee as to the time it will take to receive disability benefits. If you have additional questions, contact one of the Social Security lawyers of Missouri at Grundy Disability Group LLC for a live chat online or to arrange a free case evaluation.