If you are charged with a crime and detained in jail, you need to contact a bail bond agency immediately. Doing so will help you get out of jail more quickly. By calling a dependable bail bond representative, you can plan for your defense and move on with your life on a more positive note.

What You Need to Give the Bondsperson

When you contact a bail bond company in Waxahachie, TX, you need to give the bail bondsperson 10% of the court-established bail. For instance, if the bail is set at $10,000, you would give a bondsperson $1000 to post a bail bond and get out of jail.

As long as you appear for the required court dates, the bail bond company will not require that any more money be paid, thus removing the bail bond at the end of the court case. You receive a return of $9000 of the collateral that you supplied to obtain the bond and post bail. You just will not receive the 10% that you paid for a jail release.

How the Bond Is Paid

If you do not appear in court as promised, the bail bond company will need to pay the remaining $9000. For it to do this, it will need to use the defendant’s collateral. If you as a defendant did not contact a bail bond agency but paid the bail in cash, you would be refunded the $10,000 at the end of the case. This applies whether you are found guilty or not guilty.

If you would like to know more about getting a bail bond, you should contact a reliable agency such as A-1 Bail Bonds. Make sure that you understand what goes into underwriting this type of insurance. The underwriter reviews all the risks for posting the bond including the defendant’s personal situation, financial circumstances, and the charge. Approval often requires a co-signer or for another person to indemnify the bond for the defendant. You can also connect them on Facebook.