There are many reasons why you may need to have your high school diploma. It might be to get into college or get a job. For whatever reason, you can’t seem to find the original, and now you’re panicked. It’s possible to get a high school diploma replacement, which is just as good as the original.

Why You Need It

Most people like to have their high school diploma on file at home just in case. You’ll find it helpful to have it tucked away as proof that you finished high school and have the skills that go along with the accomplishment.

The diploma shows a variety of pertinent information. This includes what school you attended and graduated from, what awards/honors you received, and when you graduated.

Sometimes, technical schools and colleges want to see that information before they allow you to enroll. That way, you can show them that you’ve met the educational requirements. Again, jobs might also want a copy of it on file to prove that you completed your education and have the skills you claim that are necessary for the job.

How to Get a Replacement Copy

Many times, you can just contact the school where you graduated. It will have kept these records and can supply you with a new diploma. You’ll have to provide some information, such as your state-issued ID, date of birth, and social security number. Usually, a small fee is required to have it sent to you.

However, it might not be possible if the school closed or you need the diploma immediately. There are companies out there who can help you create a replacement diploma. They often have various styles, which allows you to pick the one that best fits your original degree. You’ll also find multiple fonts, layouts, and more. Embossing with gold foil is often included for free. Consider getting a sample so that you have a better idea of how it will look.