There are very few household emergencies like a sewer backup. Not only is it unsightly and disgusting to have to deal with, but it can also cause structural damage to your home that can be difficult to undo if not dealt with right away.

If you’re looking for plumbing contractors Saginaw TX like Ace Plumbing because of a sewer backup, the following information is info that you should execute right away.

Don’t Use the Toilet or Sinks

Once you realize that there has been a sewer backup on your property, don’t use any toilets or sinks in the house. If the clog is coming from the main line, you could end up with sewage water that backs up into your bathtub, basement, or sinks.

Sewer Clean Out

Make sure that your home sewer cleanout is clearly visible and accessible for the plumbers on the way. This will allow them to get to the root of the cause immediately and start fixing the issue. Basement sewage backup issues require access to the cap on the basement floor.

Don’t Enter a Room With Standing Water

If you notice that there is standing sewage water in any room in your house, do not enter the room while the power is still on. If you do so, you risk electrocution. If you can’t access the circuit breakers, wait for the plumbing team to arrive.

Business Name are plumbing contractors Saginaw TX, and we’re here to help with all of your sewage backup and general plumbing needs.