When you have accrued a significant amount of money and assets, you want the opportunity to decide to whom they are given after you are gone. If you die without a will, you leave your estate vulnerable to court action. Anyone can lay claim to your money and belongings, and the court will have the obligation of deciding who gets what from your estate.

When you have specific plans for how you would like your estate settled after your death, you need to hire an attorney to put your wishes into writing. You can protect your wealth and assets even after you are gone by hiring one of the estate planing law lawyers in Topeka, KS, to finalize your last will and testament.

Naming Your Heirs

When you hire a lawyer to finalize your estate, you can name exactly whom you would like to benefit from your wealth. You can also leave certain people out of your will, preventing them from making a claim against it and taking any money or assets that should go to others.

Your lawyer will file your will with the court after your death. The court should then disperse your estate as you have dictated.

You can learn more about hiring estate planing law lawyers in Topeka, KS, online. You can also set up a free consultation with an attorney today. Contact Debenham Law Office LLC to schedule a meeting or go to http://debenhamlaw.com.