Hair loss affects millions of men and women, and it is one of the most difficult conditions to live with because it affects your self-esteem. If you are looking for a hair restoration solution, here is what you should know about PRP treatments for hair loss.

What is PRP Hair Restoration?

PRP hair treatment for Weston men and women capitalizes on the growth factors that are found in your blood. These growth factors are proven to stimulate cell development in various tissues of the body, including the hair follicles.

Can PRP Help with All Types of Hair Loss?

Hair loss occurs for many reasons. Hormone changes, medication side effects, and symptoms of some medical conditions may cause hair loss on a temporary basis. The best candidates for PRP hair restoration are men and women who suffer from hereditary hair loss, often referred to as male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness.

Procedure for PRP Hair Restoration

Men typically lose hair at the crown and women lose hair over the entire scalp. PRP hair treatment for Weston men and women involves making injections of PRP into the scalp where you have thinning or balding. The growth factors in the PRP start working right away to stimulate new hair growth and strengthen the existing hair shafts.

What to Expect from PRP Hair Treatment for Men and Women

Hair growth can take several weeks, and you may notice that some hairs fall out after the treatment. This is a normal part of the hair growth cycle. Give the procedure a few months before your start expecting obvious changes to your areas of thinning and balding.