Dealing with acne can be extremely arduous for teenagers. When a person’s face or body breaks out in severe acne, it can leave them feeling self-conscious about their appearance. Thankfully, there is now a wide range of options for Acne Treatment in Minneapolis. The first step in overcoming acne is seeing a dermatologist for treatment.

What Can Patients Expect from Treatment?

Acne can range from mild to severe and can sometimes lead to permanent scarring. Mild cases of acne can typically be treated with over-the-counter treatment options, but severe cases often need medical intervention.

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions. Although it primarily affects people in their

teenage years, it can also occur later in life. Knowing what to expect from treatment will help teens to be prepared so they can seek help for their embarrassing acne.

There are different approaches to treating acne, depending on the type and severity. Topical treatments are most often used because they can be applied directly to the breakouts, so healing begins to take place.

In severe cases, patients sometimes need antibiotics and steroids to combat their acne. The goal of dermatological treatment is to not only clear up the acne but also to prevent the scarring and dark spots that often mar a person’s skin long after their acne has subsided.

Signs a Dermatologist Is Needed?

It is imperative individuals can recognize the signs they need to see a dermatologist for acne treatment in Minneapolis. Knowing the warning signs to look for will help teens, and older individuals understand when they need to seek medical intervention.

* Over-the-counter medications and treatments are not working.

* The teen has cystic acne, which can become painful.

* The teen may have an underlying medical condition that is leading to the breakouts.

* The teen is suffering from severe self-esteem issues due to their acne breakouts.

If you are interested in learning more about how a dermatologist treats acne, contact Clinic Femina. With treatment, you will be able to overcome your acne and restore your beautifully clear skin. Schedule a convenient virtual teledermatology appointment today to have your acne condition diagnosed and begin treatment.