So, you have finally made it to Medicare age. It’s been a long road to retirement, but you are ready to get all of your ducks in a row, including picking a Medicare plan. If you live in Arizona, there are several Medicare Advantage insurance plans in Sun City West, AZ, offered by insurance agents certified to carry and offer Medicare Advantage insurance plans in Sun City West, AZ. Here are some of your options as you head into picking a plan.

Medicare A, B, C, and Drug Coverage All in One

Advantage plans cover the whole alphabetical range of Medicare plans. It is a “cut to the chase and gets everything” type of plan for those that might be a little confused about which plans to choose. Because a basic drug coverage plan is included in Medicare Advantage, you don’t really have to sign up for an additional drug coverage plan either. The only time you might want the extra drug coverage is when you can’t get generic of an expensive drug or you want to try an experimental drug treatment for a serious medical condition that Advantage plans do not cover.

Pick Any Private Provider

Advantage plans differ from other Medicare plans in that you can pick from major network private insurance providers. This has both advantages and disadvantages, but you can go over those with your Sun City West, AZ, insurance specialist. If you are ready to get started, contact Ideal Insurance Agency via today.