If you’ve ever been in an auto accident, you know that it can be incredibly frightening. While you’re busy waiting for the police to arrive, you may wonder, whether or not you need medical attention.

Whether you have an injury or not, it can be beneficial to visit the doctor after an auto accident. Read on to learn whether or not you need to seek medical help following a crush:

Call the Police

After an accident, call 911 immediately. If you feel dazed but seem okay otherwise, the police will likely recommend going to a hospital. If your injuries aren’t severe, it’s a good idea to wait for the first responders to give you the all-clear.

Likewise, keep an eye out for anyone else involved in the accident to see if they need immediate medical care.

Go to the Emergency Room

Even if you believe that your injuries aren’t serious, you should consider visiting an emergency room right away. Car accidents are often followed by secondary injuries, which may not be immediately apparent. This is especially true if you have any medical restrictions in MN as your insurance company will follow up about these details.

See a Therapist

In addition to going to the doctor after an accident, consider seeing a therapist. If you have a pre-existing condition, your medical restrictions in MN may play a role in how your insurance company views who is at fault in the accident. A therapist can help to assess your current mental state and provide clarity as to your mental health before and after the accident.