Dentist Archive

Three Questions to Ask at a Cosmetic Dentist, Book a Consultation in Lincoln Park

Visiting a cosmetic dentist is a great opportunity to address any issues that affect the appearance of your teeth. When you visit an expert in Lincoln Park, you are sure to feel great and more confident. There is a range of treatment options that fall into this

5 Reasons to Pay a Visit to Your Dentist Now

A bad toothache can knock the wind out of your sails. If you’re set for a busy work week ahead, waking up with an aching tooth will get in the way of all your plans. That’s why it pays to go for regular visits to your dental

You Can Make the Pain Stop!

You take a bite of something hard and suddenly you are overcome by a sharp pain in your mouth and find you have cracked a tooth right down to the root. No matter how big or small the person may be, oral pain can bring the biggest,

3 Things You Need to Know About Dental Crowns

Dental crowns serve as a cap often placed on a tooth. This is done to restore the shape and size of a tooth. Placing a crown on a tooth also improves its strength and appearance. Those are all good reasons to ask your dentist in Henderson about

6 Reasons for Stains or Discoloration in Your Teeth

Brighter, whiter teeth—who doesn’t want them? If you’re wondering why you have discolored teeth, here are a few possible reasons for that: Chocolate Love eating chocolate? If you aren’t vigilant about brushing your teeth every time you eat chocolates, then this could leave your teeth stained. Eating