There are many types of benefits when it comes to disability assistance and Social Security. In Park Ridge and throughout the country, experience is important to help you navigate the world of disability benefits. Which type of benefit program is right for you, and will get you the money that you need and deserve? Don’t waste your time swimming through the muck alone. An experienced law firm can help you to navigate through the disability claim process.

Sources of Disability Benefits

Depending on your employment, age, and other factors in life, you may be eligible for receiving benefits from the Veterans’ Administration, state disability benefits, or to receive workers compensation on top of Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB). It’s not always easy to pursue these claims or decide if you are eligible to receive these benefits when you are filing claims on your own. Experienced SSD law firms, along with helping you apply for and appeal your disability case, can point you in the right direction and help you find assistance for other types of benefits you may be eligible for.


The two main benefits that can provide support while you are unable to work are Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). In order to receive these benefits, you and your attorney will need to prove that your disability is preventing you from working for a year or longer. In order to do this, you will need to seek out regular medical treatment and make sure that all medical records are requested and received by SSA. The process to get approved and receive payment from SSA can take years when the process is completed properly, and can take even longer if you make mistakes along the way. Having a professional on your side can help you to get the money that you deserve as efficiently as possible.


This state health insurance program can help disabled people, or those who have a low income, gain access to medical health care. Understanding of this program can be learned by speaking with an experienced Social Security Attorney in Park Ridge. Park Ridge lawyers can help you file for disability benefits and also advise you on how to apply for and appeal for medical benefit programs like Medicaid. When dealing with Social Security and applying for Medicaid, legal knowledge comes in handy. Access to medical treatment for people who are disabled is extremely important. With the help of legal professionals you can get guidance on how to apply for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration, and how to apply for medical benefits through Medicaid. If you are approved for Medicaid benefits it can strengthen your claim for disability benefits and provide you with a way to get regular medical treatment.

For more information about disability benefits or Medicaid, visit The experienced attorney and staff at The Law Offices of Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd. will analyze your case and can help you in your process of pursuing the benefits you deserve.